Jack : les titres et dates de diffusion

mardi 8 janvier 20022The Emperor Of New London
mercredi 30 janvier 20021Disco-Café-Society
mardi 19 février 20022White Jazz
mercredi 20 mars 20026Sleepin' Makes Me Thirsty

Les vidéos de Jack

From "The End of the Way It's Always Been" (2002)

Pictures: Ralph Gibson.
Helmut Newton.

Hush my child, by morning it will be over.
That last century is just smoke beyond my shoulder.
I'm so fucking high, death wouldn't dare interrupt me now.

Each familiar face in the evening news obituary
is just the baby teeth in the smile on the face of this new century.

Lets drive anywhere you want; down here it's all the same country in name only.
The revolution happened; we didn't even stir in our sleep.
They took it out on their own kind; on their own streets.

I am a movement; I am not a school.
I breed amphibians; buy and sell Warhol.
I am the "and" in Tolstoy's "War and Peace".
I'm so fucking high, death wouldn't dare interrupt me now.

You know why they call me ugly?
It's 'cause I run faster than beauty.
It's 'cause I run faster than beauty.

Undress for me in a room by the docks overlooking Naza.
I'll cue the moon above the skylight. Engineer the light upon the water.
As the boats pour in from Mombasa to Budapest; sing me baby, one more time.
Baby, I'm tougher than the rest.
Read to me my novels; quote me my -- promises.
Tied to the light of the tv screen. I will adopt my own children. I will bury our queen.
I am hurt without pain; price without value; a window in the sun; despair inside the shadow.
I'm so fucking high, death wouldn't dare interrupt me now.

Les émissions dans lesquelles vous pouvez entendre Jack

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