Lundi 30 Juillet 1984 : Bernard Lenoir, Gilles Pernet

  100 % musique

La playlist de l'émission

1SadeWhy Can't We Live Together
2The Boomtown RatsDrag Me Down
3Moon MartinBad Case Of Lovin' You
4The March VioletsWalk Into The Sun
5Everything But The GirlMine
6A Flock Of SeagullsThe More You Live, The More You Love
7The ColourfieldTake
8The Pale FountainsYou'll Start A War
9The Flying LizardsSex Machine (James Brown cover)

Écoutez Feedback du 30 juillet 1984 par Bernard Lenoir

Avec Gilles Pernet pour parler des JO 1984 à Los Angeles, et notamment de la cérémonie d’ouverture.
Émission incomplète dont il manquerait 3 titres : Tracy (aucune certitude sur l’orthographe du nom), Flying Lizards, Tracy.

Les titres en vidéo

Sade – Why Can't We Live Together (Audio)
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Tell me why tell me why tell me why

Umm why can't we live together
Tell me why tell me
Umm why can't we live together
Everybody wants to live together
Why can't we be together

No more war no more war no more war
Umm just a little peace
No more war no more war all we want
Is some peace in this world

Everybody wants to live together
Why can't we be together

No matter no matter what color
Umm you are still my brother
I said no matter no matter what color
Umm you are still my brother

Everybody wants to live together
Why can't we be together

Everybody wants to live
Everybodys got to be together
Ooh everybody wants to live
Everybodys got to be together

Ooh Ooh laaa laa laa laa
Everybodys got to be together
Everybody wants to be together

I said no matter no matter what color
Umm you are still my brother
I said no matter no matter what color
You are still my brother

Everybody wants to live together
Why can't we be together

Gotta live together

One Reply to “Lundi 30 Juillet 1984 : Bernard Lenoir, Gilles Pernet”

  • Quand même, en 1984, Feedback avait été relégué à 23h (jusqu’à minuit). Et perso, je trouvais que c’était tard quand même !

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